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In 2011,Beijing Design Week comprised more than200 design events at 116 venues throughout Beijing, attracting 3.5 million RMB(€19 million)in design business contracts and 210 million RMB(€25 million)in related consumption. London wasthe Official Guest City, while other participants included international brandssuch as Alessi, Converse, and Diesel; design institutions including Parsons TheNew School for Design(US),Kingston University(UK),and leading representatives ofthe London Design Festival, Helsinki Design Week, Swoul Design Festival, MilanDesign Week and Copenhagen Design Week, along with over 1800 designers, designexperts, scholars, and representatives from design organizations, institutesand brands, from 25 countries, participated as well.

Beijing Design Week 2011 consisted of sixcomplementary components: the Opening Ceremony, Beijing Design Forum, ThemeExhibitions, Guest City program, Design Hop, and Annual Design Awards. Theyoccupied venues throughout Beijing, making BJDW a true citywide event. BeijingDesign Week has the stated goal of “creating a platform for bringing together adiversity of individual, private and institutional initiatives to show,communicate and trade design, while promoting design’s innovative development.”Assuch, we welcome the public, design professionals and industries from home andabroad to join this comprehensive annual celebration for the promotion ofdesign ideas, communications and business in Beijing and China.

“perhaps more significant,[Beijing DesignWeek]will highlight China’s resolve to become a cultural superpower.”

--New York Times

“Beijing Design Week intends to reposition thecountry as a place where ideas are created rather than appropriated.”

--Financial Times

“Beijing Design Week signals China’s creativeintent.”

--Forbes Online
